About our authors

Nick Martin
The founder of all things wildlife
With a lifelong passion for nature and the countryside Nick has forged a long career in conservation working for several wildlife organisations including the RSPB and Wildlife Trusts. He also works and volunteers for others including the National Trust, Canals and Rivers Trust and The Mammal Society. In addition, Nick is an accomplished wildlife photographer and a regular on the speaker circuit.
Nick’s illustrated presentations cover a broad spectrum of wildlife subjects ranging from mountain hares in the Cairngorms to ladybirds in the Garden. Nick’s in depth knowledge, striking images, storytelling and infectious humour make him popular with everyone from camera clubs, wildlife groups, Women’s Institutes and even scouts and brownies.
A country boy at heart Nick is never happier than when he is out with his camera and travels extensively around the UK. The Outer Hebrides, Welsh valleys, Dorset heaths and the North East coast are all regular haunts and he has many more places to explore. Once described as ‘a specialist at being a generalist’ Nick is as happy studying orchids as otters and adders as avocets. Through all things wildlife you can enjoy Nicks, images, ramblings and advice from all around the UK (and sometimes beyond) and hopefully be inspired to get out there and enjoy our amazing countryside for yourself…that would make Nick very happy indeed!

Oliver Smart
Wildlife Photographer
A naturalist from an early age Oliver studied ornithology at the University of Birmingham. His passion for nature and interest in photography captures the diversity of wildlife from behind the camera. As well as scores of magazine covers, his images have been published in the national press, nature magazines, books and wildlife guides. With several prestigious awards already under his belt Oliver is regularly highly placed in many photography competitions.
Oliver travels the globe in search of iconic species in their natural habitat, often waiting days to capture the perfect photograph. His wildlife photography has taken him all over the world to countries including Alaska for bears, Antarctica for penguins, Cuba for endemics, Ethiopia for bird diversity, Madagascar for lemurs, New Zealand for landscapes and the Azores for marine wildlife.
Oliver also holds voluntary positions for the RSPB, British Trust for Ornithology and the Avon Wildlife Trust where he is a warden at Puxton Moor nature reserve. Oliver is a popular speaker and uses his images to present informative and enjoyable talks. He also runs theory and practical workshops including 121 Lightroom tuition. To see more of Oliver’s images or for more information about his work including how to connect with him for talks or workshops check out his website at www.smartimages.co.uk

Mike Lane
Wildlife Photographer FRPS
Although travelling to foreign lands a great deal, his main love is British wildlife. He says he gets far more satisfaction photographing humble wrens and chaffinches than exotic parrots in distant rain forests. He relates this to growing up with British wildlife and still being excited by it. Nevertheless Mike enjoys travel and has spent long periods in Canada, Australia, Spain and India.
In Canada he spent “three months living in a tent in the Yukon on my lonesome. A wonderful and lonely experience!”
Mike states that his four interests in life are wildlife, photography, travel and computers. In today's digital age they all combine very well into one interest. In an ideal world he would spend all his time travelling, photographing wildlife and emailing out the processed pictures.
Mike’s images are used regularly online and in print and he has accumulated many awards over the years including British Birds Bird Photo of the year in 1995 with an almost painting like image of a European bee eater.
A wildlife photographer for over 30 years Mike is generous at sharing his experience with those new to this pastime. He speaks regularly to photographic and wildlife groups and has also recently built a successful business providing equipment to other wildlife photographers. Find out more about Mike at his website www.nature-photography.co.uk plus check out his youtube channel full of useful video guides.

Ian Butler
Wildlife Photographer/Naturalist
Ian has had a passion for wildlife photography from a young age. With qualifications in Environmental Conservation he has worked and volunteered in various roles across the conservation sector both in the UK and internationally.
Photographic projects have seen Ian travelling all around the world to capture perfect images. He says though that he is as at home in his back garden photographing sparrows as he is exploring a Costa Rica rainforest in search of exotic species.
Ian has previously held public facing roles with Canon UK and has delivered Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tuition. As well as speaking to natural history groups, Ian is also very popular with photographic societies who appreciate his technical knowledge.
He offers illustrated talks, photographic tuition and workshops through his website.