25 years ago it was the only place to see red kites, now they are everywhere but for Wildlife Photographer Nick Martin Gigrin Farm is the original and still the best.
Elusive and shy, you could go a lifetime without seeing a pine marten. Mammal enthusiast Nick Martin though was determined to catch up with this most enigmatic little predator.
Puffins are 'must see’ wildlife but as it takes a bit of effort and planning many people miss out. Here are the top tips to see them and some of the best places.
“To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, when doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.” So said the French writer Milan Kundera and I agree.
With literally hundreds of species of bird in the UK it can be tricky to work out which you have seen, to help reduce the options and nail the ID here are some top tips
In the past it was just peanuts and breadcrumbs but now we have a myriad of different bird foods to choose from. In this guide we’ll sort the wheat from the chaff and derive which nuts and seeds attract which species.
When it comes to binoculars there is a wide array of choice and for all budgets but here we try to explain what are the main considerations for choosing a pair for birdwatching.
There are many places to see grey seals all around the British coastline but to see them at their breeding colony in early winter there are few better places to get close and watch the action than Donna Nook in Lincolnshire.
A small brown creature scurries across your path or you might even enjoy a longer view of one under the bird feeders, but which of our rodent species is it, a mouse, a vole or a rat?