Welcome to all things Wildlife, dedicated to describing, discovering and inspiring everyone about nature, the countryside and special places. all things Wildlife is an ever growing collection of articles, tutorials, guides, reviews and ramblings all with one thing in common...increasing our enjoyment of the countryside. Whether you want to find key species, visit amazing places, improve your wildlife photography or just enjoy your local walks more there is something for you.
25 years ago it was the only place to see red kites, now they are everywhere but for Wildlife Photographer Nick Martin Gigrin Farm is the original and still the best.
There are many places to see grey seals all around the British coastline but to see them at their breeding colony in early winter there are few better places to get close and watch the action than Donna Nook in Lincolnshire.
The bramble is a much maligned plant but throughout the year it is a vital part of the countryside
At this time of writing most of us are stuck at home but here are some great ways to stay connected to Nature and the Countryside whilst confined.
“To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, when doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.” So said the French writer Milan Kundera and I agree.
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